Thursday, October 25, 2012

Solitude...of sorts...

I couldn't wait to get outside with my camera today.  After literally watching the weather change...the cold air got my creative juices flowin'!

I tried my best to remain engaged throughout homeschool lessons, but truth be told, I found myself with my nose squished against the fogging glass more than once...

As soon as the last question was answered, I threw on a coat, grabbed my camera and ran.  A few moments of solitude...alone time with the not-so-silent wind through the tall grass...

...I admit it.  I ran for the hills without looking back and as I celebrated my momentary freedom...

...I heard footsteps.  Two sets of footsteps.

I turned around to find two bundled little faces with big grins.

"Where are ya goin', Mom?"


So...completely unable to waste those grins, I grabbed each kiddo by the arm, whistled for Chloe and off we went.

The trip was a complete success!  I got to reconnect with nature, feel the chill in the air that I've been anticipating for months, and even got to wipe my runny nose on my sleeve a couple of times...but in the end...

it was the company that made it.

Wishing you all the warm and fuzzy feelings I've had so many times today! :)

More great pics to follow!!
Onward and Forward!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Something about cool weather...Autumn...makes me giddy.  Perhaps it's the suggestion of cozy quilts accompanied by my favorite tea and a good book, or even just a day snuggled in a soft sweater.  Let's just say, it's MY kinda weather! :)

And with that sentiment, I couldn't wait to change the header on my blog.

Until I looked at it again.

That comfy quilt border and the picture of my favorite swing, where many of my inspirations pour into my head as my hair sweeps the ground - toes skyward.

Well, I could part with the picture, mainly because I can still see the swing from where I now sit.  But, the quilt had to stay for one more season.  I'm actually contemplating a project and making that quilt material-ize. <wink, wink>  Maybe then I can part with this aging blog set-up! :)

Until then....from our little family to yours...

"May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!" 
(-an old Irish Blessing)

Onward and Forward