Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The weather has changed and so has my mood.  I seem to seek out comfort...in warm, filling foods, thick, comfy clothes, and anything that contains down in it. With The Conductor away on his first train ride, I sat in the sunshine under a snuggly comforter I bought ages ago, sipping on a good book and a cup of Pomegranate Black Tea (my new fave.)

"...Thank you, God, for simple pleasures and sunny windowsills..."

Along with the change in feelings has come a small change to the blog.  I'm hoping that as I find time to write, you'll be able to "snuggle up" in my words (and the new background) with your own steaming cup of something...

Loving my friends and family immeasurably today.

Onward and Forward!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Name Change

I just have enough time to get on here and change names...from "Mr." to "The Conductor". 

It's official.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Daily Devotionals

I try to read a devotional every morning as the girls eat breakfast to fill their hearts throughout the day, but I must admit, the silence and chewing I hear when I'm done has made me wonder multiple times if any of it is sinking in.  I try to ask questions...you know, get them involved...but I still wonder.

A couple of weeks ago, I sensed that my little hummingbird felt insecure, a bit "off"...so I read a devotional about God understanding her more than she could imagine; with so much love, so much completeness that he knew every hair on her head - so she should never feel that she's alone or totally misunderstood.  I had tears in my eyes at the end of our talk...but she just sighed, and then walked away.

Epic failure...

The other night, returning from our precious Queen's birthday party, the girls and I were talking to stay awake.  My sweet bluebird thinks that sixty (which IS NOT how old Queen is... : }) is practically ancient and I chuckled to myself as she pondered how it would feel to be that old.

She then commented that she wondered how she would die (interesting subject change, I know, but I just went with it), and added that she hoped it was peaceful.  I jumped in saying that I hoped my death wasn't horrible, and I didn't waste away to a horrible disease, and it was after I had met my children's children...my sweet bluebird adding that she wanted her great-grandchildren to really know her. ...precious...

The whole time my little hummingbird sat silent...

..but, then...quietly, she stated, (I could almost see her brows furrowed in the dark...)
         "Momma, you know what I'm going to ask God when I die? ..."

"No, my little hummingbird, what?"

         "I'm going to ask Him how many hairs I have on my head."


...Gift idea for Christmas? A 2012 devotional for the girls...

Onward and Forward!