Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We're rich, and we know it...

...in blessings of course.

And there's no other day that brings that closer to the heart than on a birthday.

The Conductor told us today was one of the best birthdays ever.  Did he get any expensive gifts? No.  

But boy howdy, did he feel blessed to have such great friends!! 

Did the girls and I go and spend a ton of money on a great big birthday cake, one we felt he truly deserved?


It was lopsided, and lumpy, and NOT like the picture it was created to match...
but we're all pretty sure it tasted better than any store-bought cake that's out there!

And did we go out to some fancy restaurant to celebrate the joy we felt in having a husband, a Daddy, who we love so very much that sometimes tears squeeze out of the corners of our eyes when we look at him, or catch him smiling at us - or hear him telling us he's proud of us - and our own smiles erupt?


Daddy's favorite restaurant is Ron's Hamburgers.  So, we all worked together to make fried pickles, a super-close imitation of their burgers, and set out an ice cold root beer.  (And we tried hard not to think about the fat, calories, salt, or sugar for a minute.  See...a little hummingbird even snuck in a couple of apples!)

And The Conductor grinned and grinned...and thanked with all his heart.

No, we're not made of money.

But we're rich with blessings for sure!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Exciting News!!!

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. This online curriculum can be useful for those wanting homeschool materials or for those seeking help with topics such as homeschool record keeping. Find out how to write your own review!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Planning...His way...

The kids are with their Dad roaming the woods today while I plot out the lessons for the next week. There is blessed quiet time for me to listen for and to ponder the plan that God has set in my heart for theirs...

But, I find my mind - and my heart - wandering...

How I thank the Lord daily that I found such an amazing man and role model for our girls.  They have already relocated huge tadpoles from a distant pond to the one right by the house in anticipation of future bullfrog adventures amidst the moonlight of warm summer nights to come...

...and have rodeo-ed with the new heifer to find a way to get her velvet-brown week old calf into a safe corner for cooing and petting on. Mission was accomplished with minimal casualty...momma even now chews contentedly on her hay.

And now they are rock climbing on a boulder that could have only been put where it rests by the very hand of God himself...massive, moss-covered, slick...the "girly-squeal" emitting kind when footing gets lost and the distance to the cold stream below is suddenly covered in an instant - only to be halted by that same Hand that created the moment.

The sounds of their homecoming are loud and joyful in the garage - so, my task, though seemingly incomplete has, for now, been finished in a plan book kept by Someone else...and I am glad to be able to join in the noshing of the hungry, happy below.