Saturday, February 9, 2013


A box-full of treasures arrived on the Plains today from the illustrious "Grandma of the South." <giggle>

To compliment our study of the Middle Ages, we've got coloring books, paper dolls, sticker scenes, fashion plates, and even a cut-and-assemble full color model of a medieval castle!!  I cannot explain how excited we are to get started... especially me as instructions called for an X-ACTO knife, which I did not possess (how that is humanly possible at my age, I'm not sure) so NEW TOOLS had to be bought! :):):) Woot Woot!!

And to top it all off, these great "old-timey" books (okay, one is from the '50's - I'm sure there are those of you who will take offense...please don't!!) but the youngest looked at me and said, "They did stuff like this way back then!?"  Couldn't help but smile...

Anyway, it looks like we have hours of fun ahead exploring simple but "cool" experiments like snuffing candles with soap bubbles (using a soap concoction we make ourselves!) playing with static electricity and mothballs and corks, defying gravity with marbles and coins, and so much more!  There's even a section explaining magic.  (The oldest just about squealed with delight!!) 

The "Hobby Fun Book" is filled with fun with pets, plants, water, air, paper (including making "log" cabins with rolled up paper, cardboard doll-houses, covered wagons, tee-pees - oh my!) painting, modeling, chemistry and electricity!

Bravo to these great editors for re-introducing the classics for our homeschool adventures!

Mom got all of these and more from Dover Publishing - we're so excited about their website and products that we're bragging about them...just because!  Can't say enough about the products they supply...

....aand - we can't thank our southern Grandma enough for sending them!

**Yes, Mom...I promise to take pictures every step of the way! :) **

Friday, February 8, 2013

Weight Loss

This has been a big week for me...I've lost a ton of weight!! clothes aren't fitting any differently and I'm not counting calories anymore.  But I feel so much lighter and freer all the same.

I've wrestled for several years now with a calling, a voice in my heart and my soul that was asking me to be go places and do things I hadn't been able to do because of my own insecurity and fears, to trust and to believe without let go...

...and I hadn't been able to do it.  Most of the time I argued with that voice and I pushed it away.  Other times I re-read the invitation and pondered it a bit...of course, doing what I do best, reading and researching; trying to validate and explain and find a way to make my mind accept.

I was unsuccessful for years.

I was afraid others that I loved dearly would judge me.

I was convinced that I could never live up to the expectations placed on me.

I was terrified of giving up my control...

and I felt heavy.   I felt tired. 

Until...finally...I gave in.  I gave up.  And I lost.

And in doing so, I've finally been able to receive and accept the most amazing gift I have ever gotten...or ever will again...for all of eternity...salvation.

With His unending help, I've shed the weight of the fear I had of my own brokenness.  I have lost the desire to control the things I have no power over.  I am free of the temptation to explain away my faith for fear, or for discomfort...

AND I WANT TO SHOUT IT TO THE WORLD!!!  :)  (Joy is good like that, isn't it?!) I suddenly perfect?  Far from it!! Will I never be afraid, or doubtful, or angry again??  In all honesty, I know that's not true now more than ever.

But I am truly ready to say that...

I believe the truth that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Savior and I am ready to LIVE like I MEAN it!

"For I am not ashamed of the good news about Christ.  It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes." Romans 1:16 (NLT)

I believe.

And I feel as light as air because of it... 

Onward and Forward!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday's Mantra...

"Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God."
-Hebrews 6:7

We're seeking all of God's blessings this year in our new garden...

...the kind of blessings that you can only find on your knees, digging in the dirt!

( Annnd...Just a few minutes after these pictures were taken, we got over an inch of rain!! Amen! )