Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Do Over!

I'm quite obviously new to so many things in life right now - my faith is "new", my marriage is "new" (despite the 14 years its actually been "legal" - I'm talking in counseling terms)...even my journey with blogging is "new".  And it seems the more involved I get with any one thing, and the happier and more confident I become - that's precisely the moment when it all falls apart.

We've all been there, I know. It happened to me (again) today. 

All of the posts on this blog were deleted by accident after my computer froze from work being done on the lines...and then the "bad" just kept piling on after that; bad grade on a midterm, disagreement with Mr., having to rearrange my entire afternoon ( I DO NOT deal well with that...) and that eternal struggle with money...

But for some reason, today it hit me especially hard.  I was truly tempted to have a complete meltdown...I felt attacked, frustrated, angry, and hopeless...

In complete and utter honesty, the only thing that saved me was a little whisper:

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12

Ahhh...thank you...

Frozen computers (can be fixed - or thrown to alleviate pent-up anger), empty blogs (can be a fresh beginning), hurt feelings (can be forgiven), rearranged schedules (can be...rearranged), money will just continue to be a struggle...


 Spiritual warfare battle score:
 GOD & KIM: 4,057  (that I've recognized, anyway...)

Onward and Forward!

1 comment:

  1. sorry for the icky day...i feel ya.

    i love the book of james!

